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K100 13.560 Mercedes-Benz key suits change the frequency from 315 to 434 Sale
ZC416003CFN4 1E62H   Commonly used vulnerable flash chip for automobiles Sale
$12.50 $13.00
YD7388   Vulnerable chips for amplifier of automobiles Sale
$2.80 $3.00
XC68HC912D60CPV8 4F73K commonly used vulnerable flash chip for automotive MCU Sale
VNQ5027AK  Commonly used vulnerable driver chip for automotive BCM Sale
$14.00 $15.00
VNQ830E   Commonly used vulnerable driver chip for automotive BCM Sale
$5.00 $5.50
VNQ830  Commonly used vulnerable driver chip for automotive BCM Sale
$4.50 $5.00
VNQ5E050MK  commonly used vulnerable tail lamp driver IC for automotives' BCM Sale
$5.60 $6.00
VND5050AK  commonly used vulnerable tail lamp driver IC for automotives' BCM Sale
$4.50 $5.00
VND5025  commonly used vulnerable tail lamp driver IC for automotives' BCM Sale
$4.60 $5.00
VND5012AK   Commonly used vulnerable driver chip for BMW JBE control units Sale
$4.60 $5.00
VND830E  commonly used vulnerable drive chip for Audi J393 control unit Sale
$5.30 $5.50
VND5E025LK   commonly used vulnerable steering lights drive chip for Car BCM Sale
$4.60 $5.00
VND5E025AK   commonly used vulnerable steering lights drive chip for Car BCM Sale
$5.60 $6.00
VN5050J  commonly used vulnerable steering lights drive chip for Car BCM Sale
$8.00 $8.50
VN5050AJ  commonly used vulnerable steering lights drive chip for Car BCM Sale
$7.50 $8.00
VN5016A    Vunerable drive chip for Benz front module Sale
$7.50 $8.00
VN5012AK  commonly used vulnerable tail lamp driver IC for automotives BCM Sale
$4.10 $4.50
VN5010AK  commonly used vulnerable tail lamp driver IC for automotives BCM Sale
$5.60 $6.00
VN770K   Commonly used vulnerable driver chip for automotive BCM Sale
$2.30 $2.50