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20845-002 chip use for automotives Delphi ECU Sale
Volkswagen SKODA SUPERB door lock motor (one pair) Sale
$28.00 $30.00
Volvo door lock motor (one pair) Sale
$28.00 $30.00
Audi door lock motor (one pair) Sale
$28.00 $30.00
Landrover door lock motor (one pair) Sale
$28.00 $30.00
EDC16UC40 ECU shell and plug Sale
$28.00 $30.00
EDC17C55 ECU shell and plug Sale
$28.00 $30.00
EDC17C53 ECU shell and plug Sale
$28.00 $30.00
EDC17CV54 ECU shell and plug Sale
$28.00 $30.00
EDC16C39 ECU shell and plug Sale
$28.00 $30.00
ST10F272-BGA commonly used vulnerable flash chip for automotive MCU Sale
MC9S12XEQ384MAG 2M25J  commonly used vulnerable flash chip for automotive MCU Sale
MC9S12XDT256MAL 1L15Y commonly used vulnerable MCU storage chips for car ECU Sale
MC9S12DP256BMPV 1K79X MCU chip use for automotives Sale
MPCZ561MZP56  commonly used vulnerable MCU chip for Bosch diesel ECU Sale
MC912D60ACPV8 2K38K commonly used vulnerable flash chip for automotive MCU Sale
64F2638F20V commonly used vulnerable MCU chips for car ECU Sale
$28.00 $30.00
D70F3426GJ(A)  commonly used flash chip for automotive dashboard Sale
ADVICS UT40 Commonly used vulnerable driver chip for automotive ECU Sale
$28.00 $30.00
SF821 chip use for automotives Sale
$28.50 $30.00