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BTS5235L chip use for automotives BCM Sale
$3.80 $4.50
BTS5590G chip use for automotives BCM Sale
$2.40 $2.70
04832512AF MC33888FB chip use for automotives BCM Sale
VND600SP  Commonly used vulnerable driver chip for automotive BCM Sale
VN5160S Commonly used vulnerable driver chip for automotive BCM Sale
$4.10 $4.50
VN750S  Commonly used vulnerable driver chip for automotive BCM Sale
$3.30 $3.50
VNQ830  Commonly used vulnerable driver chip for automotive BCM Sale
$4.50 $5.00
VN5010AK  commonly used vulnerable tail lamp driver IC for automotives BCM Sale
$5.60 $6.00
BTS5480SF  Vulnerable driver chips for automobiles BCM Sale
$2.75 $3.00
BTS5236-2GS  Vulnerable tail light driver chip for automotive BCM Sale
$1.35 $1.50
BTS724G  commonly used vulnerable chip for automotive BCM Sale
VNQ660SP chip for Peugeot PSA BSI BCM Sale
SC667095CAG 5M48H  commonly used MCU chip for BMW CAS4 plus and Porsche BCM Sale
$49.00 $50.00
09385521 chip use for automotives BCM Sale
$11.00 $12.00
MCZ33689DEW chip use for automotives BCM Sale
$5.00 $5.40
BTS5461SF commonly used vulnerable chip for automotive BCM Sale
$5.20 $5.40
L99PM62GXP commonly used vulnerable chip for automotive BCM Sale
$6.50 $7.00
VND5E050MK  commonly used vulnerable turn light driver IC for automotives' BCM Sale
$5.60 $6.00
XC511301VPV8 0K75F  commonly used MCU chip for Audi and Porsche BCM Sale
$24.00 $25.00
TLE6208-3G  commonly used vulnerable driver chip for automotive BCM and ECU Sale
$4.60 $5.00